Buck Rogers in the 25th Century Wiki


Buck, Wilma and Twiki are assigned duty aboard the Searcher, a long distance space probe. Under the command of Admiral Asimov, the ship sets out to find various groups of humans that left Earth before World War III. Buck's first adventure aboard the Searcher begins when they find a nearly-destroyed spaceship, whose last living crew member reveals that a bird-like man named Hawk attacked and destroyed their ship. In retaliation for the destruction of his tribe by humans, the bird-man has vowed to destroy any and all humans he comes across. Buck tracks Hawk down to the planet Throm, when he captures Koori, Hawk's mate. Koori sends out a message to Hawk, who arrives to battle Buck to the death.

Buck Rogers in the 25th Century - Season 2
Time of the Hawk I Journey to Oasis I The Guardians I Mark of the Saurian I The Golden Man I The Crystals I The Satyr I Shgoratchx! I The Hand of the Goral I Testimony of a Traitor I The Dorian Secret